My Photography Journey

With an eye for the awe-inspiring beauty of architectural structures, I've dedicated my lens to capturing some of the Pacific Northwest's new and renovated buildings. As an architectural and commercial photographer, I specialize in delivering high-quality imagery that captures the structures that define our landscape.

My journey into the world of photography started amidst the cobblestone streets of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where the timeless allure of ancient Roman architecture beckoned me to preserve its intricate details through my lens. Since relocating to the Pacific Northwest in 2010, I've been endlessly captivated by the region's diverse and breathtaking natural wonders, which serve as an endless wellspring of inspiration for my craft.

Specializing primarily in architectural photography, I revel in the interplay between structures and their environment, capturing the nuanced dance of light that animates each scene. However, I'm equally passionate about embarking on new and innovative projects, be it in the realm of commercial, action, or creative photography. I thrive on collaboration and am always eager to explore fresh ideas and perspectives.

Other Endeavors

When I'm not behind the camera, you'll often find me immersed in exploration along the coast or amidst the rugged terrain of the mountains, my camera and drone in tow, ready to immortalize the beauty that surrounds me, whether it be the majestic vistas or cherished moments with my family. Along with a small, amazing team of local entrepreneurs, I am part-owner of local restaurant Basil & Board . Currently, I am dabbling in 3D printing and metal working projects for fun.

NeW Projects

I am very interested in hearing about new commercial, action and creative projects and enjoy collaborating with others. If you have an idea for a photography project that you would like to discuss feel free to contact me.